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Name: Cuban MercaderoOrt: La Habana
E-Mail: Anything@youwant.cu
URL: www.visitaislahabana.cu
Kommentar: Yo to comprendo companero ;)) Y recordas solo caramelo de menta Hemingway crezco delante puerta mio ;p
Name: Funny W.H (Well hidden)Ort: Behind the bushes
E-Mail: funnywh@behindthebushes.de
URL: www.secretland.wo
Kommentar: Die Arbeit kann oder will Sie mich nicht finden? Naja vieleicht gibt es Sie auch gar nicht?
Name: Magie the magicOrt: Nearby
E-Mail: magiethemagic@woderland.de
URL: www.youdreamof.de
Kommentar: Dear Stephan like your home much. Especially the games 'Max strikes back' and 'Max on the road'. Never have seen this before as a Java-Script solution. And isn't really that easy get the cheese without being knocked over. Greetz ;-x
Name: MaxOrt: Blue Desert
E-Mail: max@SickGreenFrog.de
URL: www.progamer.com
Kommentar: Out of dreams sometimes get nightmares. Buuh ;-))
Name: RadarcatOrt: Onboard
E-Mail: radarcat@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.SickGreenfrog.de
Kommentar: Bricks were invented to build walls, walls are build to protect mice to be eaten by a cat. But I promise you, no wall ever will keep me off from a mouse. And please be kind enough to notice, I don't like mouse dishes with tomatoes!
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