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Name: MaxOrt: Funny Jokes
E-Mail: Radarcat@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.outdoor-sports.org
Kommentar: Hey Max I realy don't know if I will find you outside, may be if I look at the garden gnomes choose there the most ugly one ;-( ..oaaah..
Name: MaxOrt: I wait outside
E-Mail: max@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.easy-carpet.de
Kommentar: Nobody will call me rat. This causes revenge. Come on choose your weapons, you dusty betside carpet!
Name: RadarcatOrt: On the watch
E-Mail: radarcat@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.never-trust-a-mouse.org
Kommentar: Now you see it all. That sticks like peanuts-butter. He is no mouse, max is a rat. You give him the little finger and he... he takes the whole hand ;p
Name: Flash gordonOrt: ort
E-Mail: flash@yourgreatest.fan
URL: www.we-love.her
Kommentar: http://www.monica-lierhaus.de/
Name: MaxOrt: Cheeseburg
E-Mail: radarcat@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.max-on-the-road.de
Kommentar: Hi Shane annoying-houseflies not that bad. But around here we call them butt-heads # ;-))
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