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Name: radarcatOrt: Frozen Fruits
E-Mail: radarcat@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.followthehints.com
Kommentar: Ice Cream what a pretty cue. Quite by chance I have some here. Seems as it is Vanilla, Chocolate, Kiwi, Stracciatella and lets see, yeah, also Strawberry for my this beloved Max. So come one, who wants which. Shivering.., shivering.., oh it's that frozen.
Name: ShaneOrt: Head Shaking
E-Mail: shane@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.wonderandastonish.org
Kommentar: Oh Max what you are saying sounds this weird. Where from do you get all this silly ideas. You are such a visionary. I wouldn't wonder if one cloudless sunny day you will be run over by a hooting 36 tons truck while crossing the street. Only because you are that busy in your mind to imagine how the strawberry ice cream will taste, you are about to buy on the other side of the road. And I am sure your last thought will be, 'What, no ice cream at all!' But keep on doing, nevertheless I am very amused here in front of my shimmery TFT. ** Y E A H , r e a l l y **
Name: MaxOrt: Peace Pipe
E-Mail: max@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.nomoremobbingthreats.com
Kommentar: What I am jealous, you are crazy, knnnr.., I think you don't know, what you are saying! Ähmmm, O. K. may be that you are right. So what. Let us do something total different! Drive to the sea make some stones hop over the rippling waves, cheer up a dancehall by jumping around like drunken mad minded rubber ball, or running behind some chattering pattering geese howling puut.., puut.., puuht :-))
Name: radarcatOrt: Mimus vitae
E-Mail: radarcat@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.Aegroti-salus-suprema-lex.de
Kommentar: Oh Max it seems as jealousy poisons your heart and brain. This is only the grudge because Shane calls me her little tiger and the girls out there in front of a shimmery TFT mostly even flatter than their well-cared bellies, long this much for me, that they sent me whole trucks filled up with languishing love-letters. When was your last time this kind of a creature asked you if you like together with her chasing the mice!
Name: MaxOrt: Keep it real
E-Mail: max@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.enthusiastic-cat.de
Kommentar: No I don't find this that hard. Maybe cause I use an very effective spam-filter. Neither I dig all day in the garbage bag to find some dried out bread crust ;
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