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Name: shadow witchOrt: Touché
E-Mail: shadowwitch@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.him-is-interested-in-witchcraft.es
Kommentar: Well, let me take a look to the TBOWW ¹.
Hmm, which harm could I do to you?

Oh, yeah will choose this one,
fins, saucer eyes, quaking,
no, no, not at all.

Let's try that one,
dog-ears, conk and idiocy,
also not, doesn't make sense,
can't see any difference to the actually appearance.

So much of enchanting spells,
hard to make up my mind.

¹ TBOWW: The book of wicked wizardry!
Name: radyOrt: Eerie
E-Mail: rady@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.to-hunt-for-certainty.es
Kommentar: Abracadabra seven black cats,
shadow witch,
her is a ornery bitch.
Devils herb and druid fuss,
will ban her awfully cuss.
Thunderbolts plus lightning stroke,
to vanquish her, I will invoke.
Chimera just as the banshee,
will chaperon all night her dream.
# ;- |
Name: shadow witchOrt: Piqued
E-Mail: shadowwitch@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.no-opera-will-be-a-tragedy.de
Kommentar: One advice little bum.
If I would be you,
would take more care to my nuts.
Certainly the wolf will start there to nosh.
You don't have any doubt,
that I was a she-wolf my last life # ';?(
To clout you, abundantly clear,
that's what I can do!
Name: radyOrt: Amused
E-Mail: rady@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.her-declaration-of-love.es
Kommentar: Shadow witch her sounds,
like she longs for one of my kisses.
Or may be she pines for my nuts.
But you won't have the one nor the other
useless if you blubber or bother.
I even don't regret or cark.
Better hang on to your TV soap-operas!
  µ   ;-P
Name: shadow witchOrt: Het up
E-Mail: shadowwitch@sickgreenfrog.de
URL: www.could-be-a-reason-to-panic.de
Kommentar: This tabby has to be totally kooky!
To much fantasy,
him is round the bend.
Take care,
soon will come
the old angry lonely wolf
to eat you up.
Quite so,
your mom has told you!
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